Update from Greece

Dear friend, I am writing to you from Thessaloniki, Greece where I arrived yesterday to meet with Agape Europe (CRU) leaders from Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland for our Workshop 6 in Transform & Multiply.  It is a joy to meet with these precious women, hungry for God and hungry to be equipped

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Dear friend, This week I was so disturbed reading a BBC news report of women and men being “flogged” up to 39 times in stadiums. Other reports cover the protest of 1000s protesting one woman beaten to death for showing hair under her headscarf – hundreds of protestors have been beaten and imprisoned!  In the Middle East where

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Shared with Bernina’s permission Bernina, experienced transformation and real freedom in jail being discipled by Tanya and our jail ministry team in South Florida.  Four days after she was released from jail in March 2020, Tanya sent her to join my workshop in Orlando, to continue her discipleship journey. God continued His transforming work.   A year later in April

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Great Testimonies Among Ukraine Refugees

Dear friends,  We have been very concerned this week hearing of the heavy bombings in Ukraine. I have been praying with a friend here in Florida who has been anxious for the safety of her son based in Kyiv.  She is not alone. Many refugee families, women and children are concerned

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Lithuania, Ukraine Prayer Update

Dear friends, April was an amazing month with so much spiritual movement going on through our butterflies world-wide despite world chaos and trauma. I’ve heard so many testimonies of transformation and multiplication, yet it has been hard to find time to share them all with you. Here are just a

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Prayer for Ukraine & Surrounding Countries

Dear friend and partner The word the Lord continually laid on my heart last year was “STAND”.  Four times in Ephesians 6 Paul exhorts us to STAND in spiritual warfare.  We may feel helpless as we watch what is happening in Ukraine, but we can STAND, stand in prayer with

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