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Dear friend and partner

The word the Lord continually laid on my heart last year was “STAND”.  Four times in Ephesians 6 Paul exhorts us to STAND in spiritual warfare.  We may feel helpless as we watch what is happening in Ukraine, but we can STAND, stand in prayer with and for our brothers and sisters and all people under attack in Ukraine, as they resist the enemy.  James exhorts us to submit to God, resist the enemy and he will flee from you.  I pray that as we collectively submit to God for His intervention and resist the enemy in prayer, the enemy will flee from his evil plans in Ukraine and God’s glory will be seen in the saving of many souls. 

Several have asked me if we have butterflies in Ukraine. We do not – yet.  However, just before Covid, Aliona, our leader in Moldova, had been discussing with women in Ukraine and Belarus to start workshops for women leaders in those areas. We are praying for those sisters today! 

We do have LUV leaders and groups in Lithuania, Poland and Moldova, countries bordering Ukraine and Russia who are vulnerable in this crisis, and now active in taking refugees from Ukraine. Our partner ministry CRU has 120 missionaries in Ukraine, most of whom have stayed to help defend the country.  Please pray for their protection and for God to use them in extraordinary ways! 

Prayer requests from leaders in Lithuania, Moldova and Poland:

  • Lithuania – Diana – Please pray for Ukraine, for the strength of their people and mighty work of God. Men in Belarus are also being mobilized and might be sent to war against Ukraine. Some of our brothers in Christ from Belarus are mobilized too and might be forced to fight against brothers in Christ in Ukraine – their wives called us.” Please pray for these brothers in Belarus. 
  • Moldova: Aliona and Angie, CRU Leaders and LUV Leaders in Moldova were at our recent LUV Global Leaders Conference in Orlando, little knowing the assignments that lay ahead for them on their return. 

Aliona shared – Cru Moldova staff opened a refugee transfer station in the office. Please pray for resources and wisdom on how to organize everything, nobody has experience for this. We are expecting new waves of refugees tonight. And plus, organizing a camp for the longer staying people” 

Aliona’s husband Igor CRU leader writes:  Please pray for Ukraine but also for Moldova. Yesterday, Russia launched missiles and bombs attacks over military bases on the territory of Ukraine. In some villages in Moldova, people could hear the echo of the explosions in Odessa (a city in Ukraine). We are well and safe for now. Of course, we are concerned about Russia’s attack on Ukraine. We are a neighboring country, so whatever happens will affect Moldova as well. For air safety, the airport in Chisinau (Moldova) was completely closed until March 4. Yesterday Moldova was declared a state of emergency for 60 days due to the events taking place in the neighboring country, Ukraine. Thousands of Ukrainians come to Moldova as refugees. At the moment we are trying our best to help refugees. Cru Moldova using our ministry center for refugee accommodation, helping with food, etc.  Please pray that the Lord will intervene and there will be peace. Please pray for peace of mind for those who are in the midst of this terror right now, for protection and for comfort from the Lord. For wisdom for us how to serve the best in these circumstances. Also pray that there will be no attack on our country Moldova. Thank you for being with us in prayer! Your consistent prayers and support really make a difference!

  • Poland, Jagoda shared – 200,000 Ukraine refugees have entered Poland. Ministries and Churches are preparing to help refugees across Poland. Our church offers help and as Polish CRU we are also prepared to welcome in our home’s missionaries from Ukraine. They planned to come to Poland with their whole families. But for now, they are staying in Ukraine. Pray for God’s safety and wisdom for them to be salt and light in their country. 

Dear partner and friend, please stand with us in prayer for all our brothers and sisters in Christ in the local churches, in CRU, in LUV and in all the ministries serving in Ukraine and the surrounding areas. As we stand, submit to God and resist the enemy may they be strengthened and encouraged and empowered to do mighty acts of love, compassion and courage, in Jesus’ name!! 

NOW is the time to help these countries who are helping Ukraine and the Ukrainian people! 

If you would like to help provide resources in Moldova to help the refugees, you can give online through 

 CRU “Moldova Cares for Ukraine” at

To support work in Ukraine you can give to Ukraine Emergency Fund

And finally – I wanted to share this beautiful Christian song from Ukraine. It was listed on YouTube 7 months ago, but it is so timely for today! May this be the prayer of our hearts for Ukraine!! Here is the link with English Subtitles. 

And here are the words… 

During times of sadness, trouble or anxiety 

When there is no more strength to carry on 

In sincere prayer I turn to God 

For I know my God is mighty to save 

When I walk through the valley of darkness 

I firmly believe that the Lord is with me

In Him alone I find protection and peace 

I believe – He hears my prayers 

And with reverence during those moments My Savior, 

I fall on my knees 

I know You hear our prayers 

In You alone I will find joy and peace 

When my heart rejoices infinitely 

And blessings flow like a River 

Then with sincere gratitude,  I give praise

For I know that Your hand is upon me

When I recall all of God’s mercies 

How often He has saved us from affliction 

Only the Lord’s heart can love so much 

He gave up His life for me and for you!

During those times, with songs of gratitude, I glorify You my Jesus 

You are with us in times of joy and in times of sorrow, 

With humility I worship You 

I come to You Jesus my savior 

In times of joy and in times of despair, 

Like no one else, I can trust only You, my dear Lord. 


Joshua 1:9, 1 Corinthians 16:13, Ephesians 6:10-19


Liz Dickson
Founder & Executive Director
Love UnVeiled
407 385 5796

“To Know God – and To Make Him Known”
“Expect great things from God, Attempt Great things for God
.” William Carey

Categories: LUV News and Prayer