Snapshots from Love UnVeiled Poland

Dear friend,
I had no idea how much I would love Poland and the Polish people. My views were based on “cold war” movies portraying Poland as a grey, war torn country. But I discovered great beauty in Poland. The Polish people are strong on the outside and warm-hearted on the inside. Contrary to movies portraying cold and snow, I experienced sunny warm days, and long summer evenings in the beautiful parks and gardens.

But it was the women who captured my heart as I spent time with them in three different Workshops. Two out of three of the Workshops were in a beautiful retreat center outside Warsaw called “Center of Joy.” We had a great time of joy during both our workshops.

The first meeting was Workshop Four with 18 women who Jagoda is leading through our 3 year LUV Transform and Multiple training. It was special for me to witness their spiritual growth as Jagoda has faithfully taught and led these women in the last two years. Several of them have also begun discipling other butter groups

We had a precious evening with some of these women who are leaders from Baptist Churches, to pray about their desire to bring “Transformation” to 100 Baptist Churches at a Baptist women’s conference in Poland this Fall.
The second meeting was to launch new Workshop One training with 22 new women from different cities and churches. Some were quite young believers. It was a mix of Catholic and Protestant women. Their testimonies during out time together were evidence of Holy Spirit transforming their hearts and minds as they grasped more fully the journey of identity and freedom in Christ.

The third meeting was an outreach for 60-70 women invited by Dorota’s Butterfly leaders who excelled themselves in transforming the room into a butterfly garden not only with their creative decorations, but with their sweet spirit and fragrance of Jesus. It was a great to see their passion and enthusiasm to share Jesus with excitement among their friends!


I was overwhelmed by our butterflies’ hospitality in each place. I noticed butterflies decorating every home I visited!  Jagoda explained it was a result of their excitement about their “New Life” in Jesus. Although attending Catholic and Protestant churches for years, they have been transformed by understanding their true identity and freedom in Jesus.

Basha and Stenya Live in the same apartment block where they invited me for lunch to share their stories. 


What’s Been Happening to Liz & LUV This Summer

FullSizeRenderDear friend,

This summer I​’ve been on mission in Europe; Poland, France and the UK. During this time Europe was plunged into political, economic and social chaos, the UK was facing our greatest crisis since WWII with the Brexit vote, and Orlando had a horrible massacre killing 50 people.

I have struggled for weeks to write to you. It has been hard not to let my focus and emotions be derailed by the external events going on in Europe and the US. Yet I can’t ignore it. It is traumatic to experience the turmoil and rapid changes taking place in countries I once considered “safe” and “free.” If it was traumatic for me, how much more so for those who have no faith in God.

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