LUV Prayer Update January 2024

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LUV Prayer Update January 2024

Dear friend,

As we enter this new year, I am challenged and encouraged by the words of Moses in Deuteronomy 30:19b -20, “choose life … that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days;

As we start this year, I am challenged to love God more, to obey Him radically and I am deeply aware of my need to “cling” to Him! Looking out at all God is doing around the world I continue to be amazed how He is building His kingdom through women in small discipleship groups, women who are being set free to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. As I seek His will for this year and consider the number of new discipleship groups starting even this month, I am humbly reminded that no work of the Spirit is accomplished in our own strength. “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord” Zecheriah 4:6.

As a ministry of individual believers and leaders called to go and make disciples, followers of Jesus who are passionate about becoming more like Him, and leading others to know Him, we are utterly dependent on, clinging to and desperate for the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God which is all sufficient according to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I gladly will boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ me rest on me…for when I am weak, I am strong.”

This is our foundation and the guiding principle for all our leaders who face many challenges in leading discipleship groups, ministering freedom, healing, and transformation to women. We have learned that it is our weakness that makes room for God’s power.

And so, I humbly come to you at the start of this year to ask you to join me in prayer for all our leaders around the world, those already discipling and mentoring women, and particularly for those who are stepping out in faith to start new groups. May we each be filled by the power of the Holy Spirit Lord and the strength of His might, to accomplish the calling and commission He has given us. 

As we pray for all our leaders globally, please specifically pray for these leaders and areas starting new discipleship groups this month January 2024;

  • Japan – new online group for leaders in Japan led a butterfly in Orlando, and new in-person group led by a butterfly in Japan, and online group led by another butterfly in Japan.

  • S.E Asia – Our butterfly in S.E. Asia is leading multiple groups of ethnic minority women

  • India – Our lead butterfly is leading new online groups and in person.  Pray for break through and multiplication in India. 

  • Lithuania – New workshop group this weekend January 12-14

  • Albania – Our first group in Albania will start Jan 29-Feb 2

  • Orlando, Florida – Shelly, supported by Cathi January 12-14 leading Workshop 3.  The group has been through some turbulence, but the women are returning hungry to continue. Pray the Holy Spirit will bring healing and growth in this difficult time.

  • Alabama – Shelly leads group in Workshop 3, supported by Tanya, Jan 19-21

  • N. Carolina – Debbie starting new group of 10 women in her church

  • Arizona – Janell leading new LUV discipleship 1:1 for the first time.

  • Ohio – Jenna leading her group into Level 2.

Thank you for your support in prayer. May we be encouraged by and cling to the hope we have in Joshua’s testimony…

Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass. Joshua 21:45

If you have time to read more – here is a testimony from a butterfly in Japan to give some background in praying for Japan. 

In Japan, the Christian population is less than 1%.  That 1% includes non-Christian organizations such as the Unification Church.  It is also said that only 0.1% of the population go to church every Sunday. Many churches are aging, with most members over 70 years old.  There are very few young people or children.

In Japan, there are Bible studies hosted by pastors. But there seem to be few churches that offer discipleship training or small group activities. Even though we study the Bible, I think that there are few Christians who trust the work of the Holy Spirit and live their lives by entrusting themselves to the Holy Spirit in their actual lives. Head knowledge alone does not lead to a truly joyful way of life, so many people end up not coming to church even if they are saved. I think LUV is a very necessary study for Japan.

 I am grateful that a LUV butterfly, who lived in Japan as a missionary for many years but had returned to the United States, invited me to join a LUV Discipleship group on Zoom.  At first, I just joined the study. But the Lord opened more doors. He provided women to translate the material. I helped as an editor and soon the Japanese Butterfly Story was printed, and Workbook 1 was also in the final stages of confirmation.

Then Liz and Cathi came to Japan held a seminar for 15 women: pastors’ wives, missionaries, and believers. The next day Liz led me in personal prayer, which helped me let go of the hurt that I had held onto for a long time and move forward.  After I prayed, forgave, and blessed my enemy, I could feel his wounds were very deep from the environment he grew up in and that caused him to act like that.

My prayer request is to start a new small group in Japan. Please pray for us. It is very difficult for women to make the commitment of time to learn about Jesus.

Thank you for your love, your prayers and your partnership in making disciples who love Jesus passionately, who want to become like Him and make Him known to others. 

May the Lord bless you abundantly and in weakness may you experience His mighty power at work in and through you, beyond all you can ask of imagine in 2024, for His glory and your blessing! 

With warm love and thanksgiving. 


Liz Dickson
Founder & Executive Director
Love UnVeiled
Categories: LUV News and Prayer