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In this 3 minute video ​Christine Cain boldly addresses “ passion deficiency” in the Western Church.​ ​View Here!

It challenges and inspires me to jump out of my seat and shout “Jesus!” at the top of my voice!

That’s exactly what one of our Butterflies, a grandma living in North Orlando did when her passion was ignited… but first let me share what led to that…

Some years ago, after a passionate outburst to my father, he responded with dry Scottish wit, “Liz, how many more high-horses do you have in your stable?” Expecting fatherly approval his response shocked me. But he was right! I laughed and admitted that I had far more high-horses than I needed!

We can be passionate about so many things, but are we passionate about the things that matter? True passion usually involves suffering. Wikepedia defines passion as coming from the Greek verb πασχω meaning to suffer, to submit. Passion is a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something.

There have been times when I have invested passion and energy in the wrong things or people. In the fall out and pain, God has shown me His passion. His passion caused Him to suffer and die for me. His passion never stops coming after me, never gives up on me. His passion waits and suffers, not willing that any should perish. Do I have this passion?

Three years ago the Lord laid on my heart to “Reach as many as you can in the next five years.” We have two years left and I’ve been asking myself, “Are we reaching as many as we can? Are we making a difference filling heaven with the souls of women set free from the bondage of the enemy? Are we making disciples? Are more women experiencing healing and freedom in Jesus and being equipped, trained and empowered to go and reach others who are lost?”

I believe it takes passion and commitment to accomplish the task. Last Saturday, 18 women (16 from Orlando,1 from Brazil and 1 from Philadelphia) gathered in our LUV Training Room to stir our hearts with God’s passion for the lost.

I shared with them that I was deeply affected watching the movie Do You Believe last month. Although some say it was superficial, it re-kindled my passion for women to grasp hold of the power of the cross, to believe in the power that gives life and godliness, to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit living in us to do great and mighty things through us. (2 Peter 1:3-4; Ephesians 3:20).  Now I have permanently written on our training white board “Do you believe?”

Our Butterfly, a grandmother from North Orlando, had also seen the movie. She told us about her experience after our March workshop. She has been a believer for many years, faithfully attending and serving in her church. However, she confessed “when I came to the LUV “Transform & Multiply” workshop in March, I came thirsty, hungry and dry. I needed to be used by God!” During our three days together, the Holy Spirit transformed her and set her free. As she hugged me to leave, she smiled radiantly, “I got my joy back!” Last Saturday we saw not only her joy, but a holy boldness and renewed passion for Jesus. What happened in March was not just an emotional experience, but spiritual transformation, a release of her heart into deeper intimacy with Jesus, an empowering of His Holy Spirit within her. “He is using me! He has opened my mouth. I can’t stop sharing! At the end of the movie “Do You Believe” I stood up in the theatre and began praising God out loud!  A man in the audience said, “Thank goodness someone believes!”

What a bold and courageous action!  Her holy passion has been unleashed.  Although a born again believer for years, and a senior adult, she humbled herself to come thirsty and hungry to Jesus and He has filled her abundantly with His living water. Her transformed heart now overflows with the Holy Spirit who is flowing passionately, boldly and joyfully out of her mouth.

Transformation, reaching the lost, making disciples who will make a difference requires God’s passion and passion for God. It’s believing passionately that greater is HE who is in us than he who is in the world!  It is passionately and sacrificially digging the soil with tears to plant seeds in souls! Breaking ground is the hardest time! It will be our tears for souls, God’s heart weeping through us, which will soften the hard ground and make way for the Spirit to water and nurture the seeds we sow. They are planted in pain but raised in joy!!

I deeply value your prayers that God will fill me and our Butterflies worldwide, with His passion and Holy Spirit, to ​fulfill His call to reach as many as we can in these next two years.​

Yours in His love,

Liz Dickson
Founder & Executive Director

Categories: LUV News and Prayer