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Martha, ​(our India coordinator) just returned home (a 2 day train journey) from her second visit with our ​new butterfly group in central India, a physically and spiritually very dry ​region!  ​

​Praise God, the Holy Spirit is pouring living water on the dry ground, and bringing life and freedom to the women she has been teaching and discipling. Here is her report, photos and prayer needs for our Butterflies and leaders in City “N”. Thank you for helping us to to send Martha…..

​​Hi Liz, Happy New Year!

Praise the Lord! I was in “N” city for Christmas and New Year and during this time got to meet with all the butterflies in GWC church. 

On 28th Dec Sunday 10am to 2pm we had all 35 butterflies meet​. This was our first meeting as such, they had been meeting in their groups so it was exciting for them to come together to share and learn more.

I heard wonderful testimonies from them “I understood how much God values me.” “I was timid but now I became bold”, “I learnt God loves me, has forgiven me” “I learnt to ask God to change me”, “I started trusting God for my children”. “God created me in my mother’s womb Ps. 139:13-16”. And many more testimonies giving them their identity in Jesus and unveiling His love to them. Their faces were radiant as they shared. Glory to Jesus! He sets captives free from the lies of the enemy.

I shared the butterfly natural transformation and explained the spiritual transformation from it. God allowed me to speak from Is 43: 1-4 to tell they are valued and loved by Him. The end was getting rid of the heaviness, to be a butterfly. I used our example of the“Bag of Potatoes”, this challenged them to give up and throw the bondages at the feet of Jesus with inner healing prayer. All were blessed, loved and valued by the touch and presence of the Lord in the 3 hours.

On 31st morning I met the 5 leaders who lead these butterflies, they too were amazing. One butterfly says, “I understood the real meaning of the word ‘Freedom’ through LUV”, another says “I received the heart to intercede for my butterflies”, another “I used to judge others but God dealt with me”, “I have to lead by example, so first I go through.”

On 2nd Jan, 2015 I found time to meet with the “Teen Butterflies” 8 out of the 12 came.  This was one of the most awesome times as they were so receptive to the Love of God and His Truth. We discussed from John 10:10 and the practical ways it works in their lives, they had questions which I helped them to find answer from the Word of God. They went out flying with new wings, knowing they are so precious to the Lord.

Prayer Request

  • Pray for the butterflies to come together as it’s a spiritually dry place with lot of opposition, not much motivation and encouragement for them to keep coming, but our prayers will stir their hearts.
  • Pray for the 5 leaders that they would become the women God wants them to be and keep flying in the freedom to lead others. They need our prayers to keep looking at Jesus in all adverse conditions in and around them.
  • Pray for the church and Pastor. They are supporting our butterflies and have a big vision of taking this to the whole city. Pray for the city of “N”. 

Thanks, for your prayers are making the difference in the lives of our butterflies.
With love and prayers, Martha.


Categories: LUV News and Prayer