A Place of Refuge and Renewal
In the many times I traveled to India, my greatest motivation was knowing that our Indian Butterfly sisters considered our workshops their time in “Butterfly Hospital“. They were all believers, women seeking to follow Jesus intimately and to be transformed, equipped and empowered to bring His Kingdom to women in
UNSHAKABLE – LUV Prayer Needs & News
Dear friend and partner, The start of this year has not been a gradual build up but a leap into deep waters. My schedule has been full and sometimes overwhelming but the Lord is stretching us not only to walk on deeper water, but to drink more deeply in Him.
Joyful Beginnings 2018
Dear friend, These photos were among my greatest gifts beginning 2018! They signify the joyful, hopeful new season God is leading us into as He continues spreading the fragrance of Jesus and transforming lives around the world through our Butterflies and The Butterfly Story! This photo is the result of
LUV Looking Back, Looking Forward
Dear friend, As we close the end of 2017 and look towards the New Year, I don’t have enough words to express my grateful thanks for your faithful prayers and financial support this year. The highlight of 2017 was the immense joy of our butterflies gathering from around the world
Christmas Letter
Dear friend and partner, Since I last wrote, I have been in Madrid, Spain; Bangkok, Thailand and I’m now in the UK with my family for Christmas. I feel blessed beyond words by God’s love and grace in providing this wonderful trip at the end of our 10th year of
Let’s Get Real Mini Bible Studies
Taste, Love, Pray The Heart of the Matter The Divine Exchange UnShakable