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​It is ​SO​ good to share GOOD news! I  had such joy reading this report from Martha. ​The Holy Spirit continues to work through Martha and her Butterflies, spread​ing the ​​fragrance of Jesus​ as they reach the unreached in India! ​Praise God!​ Here is Martha’s letter:

Dear Liz,

​It is such a great joy in my heart that I can’​t wait to share. ​It will add praises to your time of prayer!! ​The butterflies in India who are discipling others are also reaching the unreached in different ways. Yes​,​ there are challenges and battles but God is giving each butterfly an experience to share His love and freedom to the broken ones​:​

  • One butterfly, Preeti shared the love of God to one young girl Madhavi in ​a bus and God ​so drew Madhavi by His love that she accepted Him, His love, forgivene​ss and freedom for her life and is ​now learning how to fly. Madhavi is going to her village to share what she has experienced.
  • ​​Prema, a butterfly whose husband was in hospital for 15 days due to accident​, but God used it as an opportunity for her to be His witness and to share Christ to many and also continued to meet with her group of butterflies. ​Prema’s husband will be on bed for 3 months but she says in this adverse condition she is enjoying the freedom of Christ and spreading His fragrance to others.
  • The butterfly leaders in “Sh​” church​​ are so excited about sharing and discipling the new born in the Lord. Continue to pray that the Lord will keep the fire burning in them.
  • Shanti another butterfly is going to 1 far off village with her husband and God is using her to share His love to many ladies. Shanti is so excited to see the love of God transforming the caterpillars into beautiful butterflies. Amazing!

In this month God has opened new door for me in one village, through Shashi that I had shared with you. We had visited that village on 13th July and we saw so much receptivity in that place, God confirmed with His word to continue it, Isa 49:9 “..I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles…”

​It​ answer​s​ my prayer for 1 and half year, I wanted to build on the ground where no one had built as Paul says. Tomorrow I am going to this village along with Carol and my brother. Please pray for us.

This month, I got to visit one ​Rescue home ​(for traffic victims). There are children along with 5 ladies and God poured His love in my heart for these ladies​. ​They were so glad to meet me and invited me to come again, I started meeting them weekly to share God’s love and freedom. God’s love will heal the broken hearted, pray for me as I minister to them.

As I share all these with ​ you, I am seeing God’s Word being fulfilled in Isa 61:1-4,v4  “And “they” shall rebuild….” God is doing amazing things, He is taking us to the highways and bi-ways.

Thanks for all the prayer support and investment in our lives for the Kingdom. That is why we could bear fruit and see multiplication. “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work.” Rev 22:12 Amen!

Thanks Liz,

Lots of love, Martha

​Praise God! ​


Categories: LUV News and Prayer