Bringing LUV to Peru

Dear friend,

In 2012, Becky, a missionary in Peru read a news letter from a Love UnVeiled leader in S.E Asia. She was amazed by the stories of transformation, freedom and multiplication among the women in this closed country. She wanted to bring this spiritual transformation to the women of Peru. In January 2013, Becky attended her first LUV workshop in Orlando, Florida,where the Lord began a deep work of healing and freedom in her own heart. Becky has j​ust completed her third LUV workshop.


Bringing LUV to Honduras

Dear friend,

I am excited that​ tomorrow, Orlando Butterfly Krista and her husband Frank, leave for Honduras on a LUV mission.

Krista is meeting with a group of Christian women in Honduras to share our LUV vision for reaching brokenhearted women in their country. The three day workshop will begin a journey of spiritual transformation and healing, taking them deeper into the heart of God, and giving them a vision to be equipped and empowered to bring God’s love, hope and transformation to so many broken desperate women in this country.