Prayer Update & Aurelija’s encounter with God

Dear friend,

In my last update I included Diana’s video about her transforming experience of God’s love after many years as a believer. If you have not yet had the opportunity to see her beautiful 3 minute video, I hope you will be blessed to watch it here: Diana’s Testimony. (It is also available on our website )

AurelijaToday I hope you will be blessed by this short video testimony of another beautiful encounter with God related by Diana’s friend and ministry partner in Lithuania, Aurelija who came with Diana to our workshop in April.

Watch Aurelija’s Testimony Here!

Prayer Need:

Thank you! Your prayers for our Workshops are being answered!

God is moving in very real and intimate ways to heal and transform women’s hearts at the deepest level.


The Transforming Power of God’s Love

Dear friend,

I am always challenged to find ways to communicate with you the incredible things that IMG_4272 (2)God does in women’s lives during our 4 day workshops.  I can only describe as miraculous what happens as women are transformed and set free to be the women God created them to be, understanding they are more than their role, they have an identity created by God, ​for a purpose.

Often women don’t know why they are coming. They come just following a prompting from the Lord, or wanting tools and materials to minister to women. As they receive healing in God’s word and experience freedom from the lies and bondage of the enemy, their past, their culture, and even religion, women are changed by God’s love for them. Empowered to fulfill their purpose they become courageous women of passion and faith who boldly become His ministers and witnesses wherever God calls them to multiply.


The Yoke Destroyed!

And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil! Isaiah 10:27.

These words hidden in Isaiah 10 (NKJV) captured my IMG_4589heart with their power and promise of hope and freedom.  I praise God today that He has broken the yoke in my own life and in the lives of so many women under the yoke of bondage to the enemy’s lies. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! 2 Corinthians 3:17.

I’ve tried everything, every program, every tool, nothing works. I’m ready to try Jesus!”  This desperate young woman arrived at the door of our partner ministry, Life Works a year ago.  Ricki Lynn our Butterfly leader opened the door leading her to freedom in Jesus and discipling her for a year in God’s word through the Butterfly teaching.
