Story of Hope

Hope (name changed) is one of our leaders who completed the three year training this week. Hope is a pastor’s wife in the city, but she and her husband have been travelling to the mountains to reach the ethnic people groups for years.  Hope had a vision to reach the women in the unreached people groups. In the last three years of our training, she started with a group of 38 leaders in her home for 10 days every six months, coming from all over the mountains. Those leaders are now training many groups of 50 women and many groups have men too. This was her commissioning testimony.


SE Asia Butterfly Transformed

Names have been changed for security purpose. Please do not re-post or share.

 “Before I received the LUV training, I was a Christian but I didn’t know how to fly for Jesus. When I completed Workshop One, then I knew who I was and who God is. I knew that I was the friend of Jesus and His bride. I found out God had given me a purpose to teach His Word and to go out and set free those under the bondage of Satan. As in 2 Corinthians 5:17, I found  I was a new creation.


Band Aids for Broken Hearts

Christy Price, missionary and Butterfly leader in Nairobi, Kenya sent this powerful testimony following her first LUV Discipleship training in Orlando. Christy and her sister Jody minister to women and teens in the slums of Nairobi. Her report paints a vivid picture of ministry in Africa and how Jesus alone is their answer for broken hearts...

I have often been asked why we are not with a larger organization in Africa. Wouldn’t it be safer for us?  Wouldn’t we have better support?  While the answer to both these questions are “yes,” the fact remains, while most of the world’s largest humanitarian aid projects focus on Africa, there is little to no change in the problems facing Africans today.


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