“Equipping & Sending women” – will you join me this week?

How will they hear without a preacher, and how will they preach unless they are sent? How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace and the glad tidings of good things!  Romans 10:14-15

Orlando Butterfly Training Thursday 27- Monday 31 March.

In recent weeks I’ve met with some very broken, desperate women – not in India or Asia, but here, in the USA. Reaching for the success defined by Hollywood has left these women insecure, desperate, broken and their lives and the lives of their children in ruins.


“The well of she who cried out! ” Liz’s reflections on thirst.

 Butterfly Leaders Training and Vision

After a great battle Samson was thirsty, not just thirsty but dying of thirst (Judges 15:17-20). He cried out to God.  God answered Him. He split open the hollow place and water came forth.  Samuel drank.  His spirit returned, and he revived. He went on to judge Israel for 20 more years in the days of the Philistines. (from Spurgeon Morning & Evening January  21.)


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