Multiplication; butterflies make disciples in North Carolina and India

​Dear Partner and Friend,

Last week I shared that I was deeply impacted studying how much God loves multiplication. But how do we do that?  Are you confident about sharing your faith, about ministering to others, about discipling another younger believer?  Most of us, including me, are overwhelmed, perhaps even terrified at the thought. Even if you want to, you may not know where to begin.


God Loves Multiplication

Dear Friend,

Did it ever strike you how much God loves multiplication?

From Genesis 1 and the creation story, through to Noah and Abraham, Moses and the prophets, God is continuously blessing His people and telling them to “be fruitful and multiply” through the male and female of every living thing. Unfortunately, disobedience in every generation caused men and women not to multiply God’s glory but to multiply their own wickedness, continually.  Yet God never gives up on His desire for a people who will worship Him and glorify Him on the earth. Only when God sent Jesus was there hope for God’s people to multiply His glory through the earth as He provided the means through Jesus for hearts to be transformed by His blood and His Spirit living in us to make us into His image.
