“The well of she who cried out! ” Liz’s reflections on thirst.

 Butterfly Leaders Training and Vision

After a great battle Samson was thirsty, not just thirsty but dying of thirst (Judges 15:17-20). He cried out to God.  God answered Him. He split open the hollow place and water came forth.  Samuel drank.  His spirit returned, and he revived. He went on to judge Israel for 20 more years in the days of the Philistines. (from Spurgeon Morning & Evening January  21.)


Multiplication; butterflies make disciples in North Carolina and India

​Dear Partner and Friend,

Last week I shared that I was deeply impacted studying how much God loves multiplication. But how do we do that?  Are you confident about sharing your faith, about ministering to others, about discipling another younger believer?  Most of us, including me, are overwhelmed, perhaps even terrified at the thought. Even if you want to, you may not know where to begin.
