What’s Been Happening to Liz & LUV This Summer

FullSizeRenderDear friend,

This summer I​’ve been on mission in Europe; Poland, France and the UK. During this time Europe was plunged into political, economic and social chaos, the UK was facing our greatest crisis since WWII with the Brexit vote, and Orlando had a horrible massacre killing 50 people.

I have struggled for weeks to write to you. It has been hard not to let my focus and emotions be derailed by the external events going on in Europe and the US. Yet I can’t ignore it. It is traumatic to experience the turmoil and rapid changes taking place in countries I once considered “safe” and “free.” If it was traumatic for me, how much more so for those who have no faith in God.

LUV Poland

I immediately sensed the peace and presence of God as we turned into the stunning grounds of the beautiful Polish Baptist Retreat Center. This is the venue where we are having our “Metamorphoziz,” as the Polish women call our Transform and Multiply Workshops.Butterfly “welcome” signs “Witamy” designed by Danusha, the Read more…