Dear friend and prayer partner,
As summer passes and we look forward to Fall/Autumn – I’ve been preparing for the new spiritual season ahead. As a valued partner with me in prayer, can I share what’s on my heart, and invite you to pray with me for our new season?
In preparing to lead workshops this weekend and next weekend, and a Let’s Get Real conference at the end of September, I’ve been drawn to the words the Lord spoke to Joshua as he prepared to lead Israel across the Jordon to the promised land;
“…you have not passed this way before.” Joshua 3:4
A well-meaning friend suggested that I don’t need to spend so much time preparing for workshops now as I’ve finished writing the curriculum and I know the content well. Granted, having taught so many workshops over 12 years that could be true. But I’ve discovered the opposite is true. No two workshops are ever the same. I believe that’s because God is not in the business of cookie cutter…
At the Red Sea, God parted the water before Moses stepped into it. At the Jordon river Joshua had to step into the water before it parted.
When the Israelites complained about bitter water at Marah, God told Moses to throw a tree into the water, and it became sweet drinking water. At Meribah they complained there was no water and God told Moses to strike the rock with his rod, and drinking water came from the rock. At Kadesh they complained again about lack of water and God told Moses to take his rod and speak to the rock and drinking water would come out of it.
Each time the people complained about a lack of water, God provided – but each time, He instructed Moses differently about how He would provide.
Sadly, on the third occasion Moses didn’t speak to the rock as God instructed, but in anger, he hit the rock – twice! Water came out abundantly! But God told Moses that because he did not “believe Him” and had not honored Him in the eyes of the people, Moses would not lead them into the promised land.
These biblical examples have been a strong warning to me, and I hope to all our leaders as we enter a new season leading spiritually thirsty women to Jesus.
My prayer is that we will never assume that we know how God is going to work, we will never rely on previous strategies or methods, or miss God’s instructions for leading each unique group of women, or individual woman to experience His power and His glory through the unique way He wants to work in their lives in a Love UnVeiled workshop or weekly group.
I deeply desire that we will remain sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit, desperate and dependent on Him to lead us, as we lead others to His living water.
As I read testimonies this week from a closed country in South East Asia where the Holy Spirit continues to transform and multiply disciples through our butterflies, and amazing reports of women set free and multiplying in India, Europe, Brazil, Peru and USA – my heart cries out;
“Lord continue to bring life changing transformation, healing and freedom through your Spirit and truth to women coming to our workshops in this new season – we have not been this way before but we are dependent on you and will follow you into the river of Your Spirit. May it be overflowing in each of our hearts as you promised to all those who come to you thirsty for living water John 7:37-39.
Would you pray this prayer with me as we enter this new season?
Please pray with me, for me and for our leaders around the world;
· That every leader will be filled daily with a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit to fill our wings with fresh wind and fresh fire, to live in the power of His Spirit and truth and lead other women to freedom in Jesus.
· That before each workshop and weekly group every leader will prepare her heart to be still, to listen and to receive the fresh instructive leading of the Holy Spirit.
· For me, that I will be sensitive and obedient to hear and receive God’s fresh revelation and instruction to grow, equip and lead women in every workshop and conference, not by might, nor by power, but by HIS Spirit.
· That we will have courage and boldness in His name to break chains and bondages holding women in deception and fear, and to set them free to be who God created them to be.
· That more women world-wide will respond to God’s call to be equipped and empowered to reach the unreached, the destitute, women, teens and children, with the truth about their true identity and freedom in Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your prayers for our 4-day workshop staring tomorrow, Thursday morning. Please pray the pending hurricane will not impact our time together!
Thank you for your partnership in prayer!
Yours thankfully and gratefully in His
Liz Dickson
Founder & Executive Director
Love UnVeiled
407 385 5796