Precious prayer partner and friend,
It is a great joy to share how God answered your prayers for last weekend! It was an experience of overwhelming love and intimacy. What a privilege to witness the power and the glory of God working in our Butterflies as He transforms and empowers His beautiful daughters to be witnesses for Him!
The Holy Spirit was wonderfully and powerfully present revealing Himself to each woman, bringing deeper healing, freedom and restoration, and more understanding of who He is and how He wants to lead in our lives….He was evident in the sweet, humble spirit among these women. Seeking His face, they came “hungry and thirsty for righteousness” – and the Holy Spirit fulfilled Jesus’ promise that they would be filled (Matthew 5:9).
These women have been believers for years, many in ministry – yet they are experiencing the fresh transforming, liberating power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Here is what they shared they have experienced since our workshop in March:
1. I’ve been a believer for years, but at our last workshop the Lord gave me some treasures. Some are very private. But He gave me an understanding of His Spirit that I’ve never had before, an understanding of His word that I didn’t have before. His Presence is invading everything – at work, and at home. It all came out of the experience of being here. He made His word real to me. He gave me a love for His word. I confessed fear and He has given me boldness. I can listen to another woman now and offer to pray for her, and then let the Spirit lead me in that prayer.
2. The Lord showed me I needed to live in the moment. The Lord showed me I had to be still. My circumstances had robbed me of my tongue and I need to be still before Him. The Holy Spirit has led me to places I would never have dreamed of going, difficult and painful places, but He is using it and giving me peace. I’m living in the moment and letting the Holy Spirit guide me. He is the power that helps me overcome.
3. I’ve been a believer for 35 years but I’m learning a whole new level of praising and worshiping Him – even through trials.
4. I have more understanding and openness to the words of the songs we sing, and to the word.
5. I feel stronger but I am thirstier. I have more boldness. I have shared the movie Magdalena with an unchurched woman and she is now sharing it with others! God has opened my eyes to see others. I’m more compassionate. I have a long way to go, but oh! – What a beautiful journey with the Holy Spirit.
6. I have more peace about being peaceful and waiting on Him. I’ve been learning about getting back to the basics of our faith, and not being fearful.
7. I had fear to step out. But God told me when I was praying that I need to start praising Him. Praising Him is giving me boldness.
8. My prayer life has changed completely. I’m learning to stop focusing so much on myself and to pray for others. I’m learning generosity in my marriage. I’m learning what it means to be with “unveiled” face.
9. I’ve moved to a very un-churched area with a lot of New Age people who don’t want to hear about God. But I see God moving in me. He’s been bringing up my fear of men and giving me situations to share God. I’ve had to set boundaries at work so that I can have more time with God. I shared with my new boss that I needed to leave on time at 5pm so I could have more time with God and serving God. She said she admired me for setting that boundary and agreed I should do that. It turns out she is a believer too!
On our third and last day, the Holy Spirit revealed some deep wounds in our group inflicted from parental abuse, rejection, self condemnation and guilt. Some of these had been strongholds buried for many years. The Holy Spirit sensitively and compassionately brought those things into the light allowing women to experience healing, freedom and restoration.
One of our group confessed to a bondage she had carried for 40 years. Afraid of condemnation in the church she had carried this burden alone. Whenever she wanted to pursue deeper intimacy with Jesus, this bondage would rise up pressing against her heart and causing her to retreat from intimacy with the Lord. She could forgive others, but she had been unable to forgive herself – until this weekend. Now, a much lighter butterfly, she is set free to fly. God’s power and love are flowing through her and she is unfettered to share her testimony to give hope to countless others sitting in churches with the same fear and bondage.
Thank you for praying that God will continue to demonstrate His love and His power through all our beautiful butterflies for His glory!
Photos – our beautiful radiant butterflies in their new LUV T-Shirts, ready to share with millions of other women living like Caterpillars that God wants to set us free to live and fly like Butterflies in the power of His love, His Spirit and His Truth.
Please pray for those traveling from Poland, Peru and Ohio.
Yours in His great love!
Liz Dickson
Founder & Executive Director
Love UnVeiled
407 385 5796