Dear friend,

Thank you for praying in response to my SOS cry for help last week!! The Lord gave me the strength I desperately needed for our 4 day Workshop and the Holy Spirit worked in each woman’s life, including my own. Today I’m waiting for a dental appointment to remedy a terrible toothache (possible abscess) which has kept me in pain all weekend. I am thanking the Lord I did not have this during last weekend’s workshop or the weekend before at our Let’s Get Real Conference!

IMG_0146 (2)Open your voice on behalf of the poor and needy, on behalf of those who have no voice Proverbs 31:8-9. The Lord laid this verse on my heart for Love UnVeiled in 2007. The enemy works hard to harden our hearts and close our voices but I’ve been encouraged by your prayers and to see God fulfilling these verses through our Butterflies – women who are being transformed and boldly opening their voices to help the poor and needy. I am greatly encouraged to share how He is doing that in Russia, France and Orlando, Florida…..

Mar from Russi@ (names changed) joined us for the workshop.  Her husband and proud new father Sal took care of her 4 week old baby boy (who is adorable) during workshop sessions and in between feeding times! Mar completed her 3 year LUV training in 2015 but returned last week hungry for spiritual refreshment. She has been using the teaching to disciple a woman rescued from sex trafficking, leading her to live a new spiritual identity and deep lasting transformation. This woman is now helping other women coming out of trafficking to experience healing and transformation.

Maria Carmen (wife of CCC National director Fr@nce) joined us for 10 days in IMG_0087 (2)spite of many challenges getting here!  This is her 3rd workshop with us. On our first evening she shared what God is doing through and since the Women’s Conference last November. A light of hope and excitement was sparked at the conference which Marie Carmen called “supernatural”. 130 women believers from all over Fr@nce came together for the first time to learn more about The Butterfly effect and spiritual transformation and multiplication. They didn’t know each other but the women experienced a deep bonding and a vision to multiply.  Every woman received a copy of the Story of Transformation (The Butterfly Story) in Fr@nch. Some women bought extra copies to take back to every woman in their local churches. Several women have since started small group bible studies for neighbors and friends in their homes. Marie Carmen is receiving ongoing reports of God continuing to work in and through these women.  This is a truly supernatural awakening in Fr@nce a secular country with less than 1% evangelicals believers.After the workshop, Marie Carmen, Marf Meister (CRU Jesus Film Project and Magdalena) and I spent time planning and praying about how to multiply this transformation disciple making process among women in Europe. An opportunity has come up for later this year. Please pray for that!

There is much to pray for in both Fr@nce and Russi@ where Mar and her husband reported that the darkness is increasing. It was a reminder why the battle against us is so strong as we press on to support and empower these women to be His light and hope in their countries.

Being able to provide a place of refuge and restoration for these women in our small LUV center in Avalon, Orlando, Florida is a great privilege. I am grateful for the partnership and involvement of my own church, Avalon Church, who take an active interest and involvement in helping me support and care for these women and their ministries. Mar’s husband attended Avalon Church on Sunday morning while we were in session. That was an encouragement for him.

God is working in women in Orlando too, giving them boldness and courage to open their voice:

9 precious butterflies from East Orlando attended the workshop. Four of the women have already completed the 3 year training but came to be refreshed and renewed in spiritual strength. One said the teaching meant more to her this time because she’s in a different place, she hears the word with different ears and the Lord is now preparing her to be involved in leading other women in healing prayer and counseling. 

One Butterfly leader from Avalon Church is stepping out in faith to start a new support group using LUV lessons to encourage moms in Avalon and East Orlando with children with ADHD and special needs.Lord willing she will start Feb 20. Please pray for Karen. Leading this group is a huge and courageous step for her. Since committing to start the group she has been diagnosed with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is aware of the battle against her but is now more determined than ever to follow through with what the Lord has laid on her heart for these moms!

Another Butterfly leader from Avalon Church has also found her voice. Samarra shared “because of Love Unveiled I know my true identity.” God laid on Samarra’s heart the need to bring Christians together from different churches, races and walks of life to celebrate our identity in Him, and to praise Him as One Body. “People are hurting and as Christians we have the unique ability to be the light Jesus intended through the power of the Holy Spirit. We must unite in this” She has courageously stepped out to organize an event One Body, One Voice & One Worship to be held in our local Ampitheater in Avalon Park, Feb 25 4-6:30 pm. Please pray for Samarra and if you live in Orlando, you are invited and warmly welcomed to join the event.

Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for me and for our ministry!  Please keep us in prayer daily.  We need and value your covering as we press on together to attain the upward call of God through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Yours with deep love and affection.


Categories: LUV News and Prayer