Luke 2:20 “Then the shepherds returned to work, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them.” (Philips translation)

Dear friend,

On Christmas Day my father gave a message about the shepherds who, after seeing Jesus, returned to work with great joy!!

It was a great encouragement to return to our own work with joy after this season celebrating God’s love poured out on the world through Jesus’ birth.

img_3460After celebrating Christmas with her family in India, our LUV Leader Martha returned to work the very next day, traveling 8-12 hours by train to encourage our leaders in Nagpur and for outreach meetings.

Martha sent this update and asked us to join her in her work in prayer…

“I am leaving for Nagpur on 26th of Dec till 3rd Jan. Do keep in pray this 3rd Workshop from 28-30th for the leaders, and on 31st outreach meeting for half day for the ladies invited by our butterflies. We will be doing Inner Healing for them in this session.

  • Pray that all leaders will be able to make it for the training for whole time.
  • Pray that Holy Spirit would empower them and His Word would equip them to teach others too and also reach out to many more.
  • On 31st pray that all those who are invited would come and receive a breakthrough in their lives with the Love of Jesus.
  • Pray for me that through out the week Holy Spirit would lead me, empower me, heal me and use me to set women free.


Please join us in praying for Martha and the butterflies in India.

Thank you for your financial support which has helped us continue the ministry of Love img_3459UnVeiled in India and around the world this year. We close this year with thanksgiving for all God has done in 2016 through your giving.

As we return to work in the harvest equipping and empowering women, making disciples and reaching as many as we can with the Good News, we are prayerfully trusting the Lord for His provision to accomplish all He has called us to do in 2017.  If the Lord lays it on your heart to join us in the work through monthly giving, or a one time gift I invite you to please donate through our safe and secure giving page.

I love you and am deeply thankful for your partnership. May the Lord abundantly bless you for your encouragement and support in prayer and in giving to the ministry of Love UnVeiled. 

Yours In His Love,
Founder and Executive Director
Love UnVeiled


Categories: LUV News and Prayer