Dear friend
You’ve heard the prayer/song “If you can use any thing Lord, you can use me.” But evangelist Reinhard Bonnke suggests a more powerful prayer – “Lord make me usable!”
Asking the Lord to “make me usable” is far more dangerous in my experience. Praying to be used focuses on others, but praying to be made usable invites the Lord’s intervention in my own life to change me from the inside out, to transform me and conform me into His will.
And that usually involves pain through a process of brokenness.
We may run from brokenness, think it a cruel word, or think brokenness is only in those poor souls living in grass roots, survivors of abuse or any unbeliever. But brokenness often occurs to those willing to be used by God – for when we are weak, then He is strong. God’s purpose in brokenness, is making my life no longer about my glory and all about His glory – a process He takes us from glory to glory by His Spirit.
Lloyd John Ogilvie, chaplain to the US Senate wrote “Whatever happens that breaks us open to a deeper invasion of God’s Spirit is a blessing in disguise.” When we learn that brokenness is a blessing bringing us into deeper intimacy with God, greater dependency on God, and a life of freedom yielding to the Holy Spirit, we more willingly accept God’s pathway to “make us usable.”
This weekend, Friday through Monday I will be leading a new group of women through Workshop One of our disciple making journey, Transform and Multiply. These women have answered God’s call to join us in our mission to “Reach as Many As We Can.” Most of the women are from ministry backgrounds, but the courage and core of each woman’s heart is to “be made usable.” I believe God is going to move powerfully in response to their desire for Him.
Here’s a taste from the hearts of women coming this weekend:
One Butterfly recently started a jail ministry and is returning for her second time to Workshop One to be better equipped to disciple women in jail, coming out of jail, and to train others in what she is doing. God transformed her from brokenness to freedom and now she is setting other women free. She shares:
Being part of Love UnVeiled has been the greatest journey of my life. It is my privilege and honor to be part of this family. God has used this ministry, and the amazing women involved in the ministry, to forever change my life. Every day I continue to grow in my personal relationship with Christ. I hunger and thirst for more of Him, and more wisdom, understanding, knowledge, discernment etc, so that I can walk in the fullness of His plan for me and help other women find Him in a deep and meaningful way as well. God Bless!
A new butterfly joining Workshop One for the first time shares:
Pray for our workshop this weekend:
That in my own weakness I will be made usable, that God will use me to minister to our group in the power of His Spirit.
That God will makes us usable by shining light and truth into our brokenness and transforming us by His healing power.
That we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and the intimate time in His Presence.
That He will break us open to a deeper invasion of His Spirit.
That each woman will surrender and yield to the Holy Spirit’s healing, deliverance and freedom in their lives, to be vessels through whom the Holy Spirit can flow in power, to set others free.
Thank you for covering us in prayer!
Liz Dickson
Founder & Executive Director
Love UnVeiled