Dear friend,
One of my greatest joys is witnessing the divine exchange which takes place in our workshops as the Holy Spirit transforms broken, religious or empty lives into vibrant lives of beauty, wholeness and fruitfulness for God!
“I was apprehensive going into the workshops. I have come out victorious, heart full and joyful!” This is what one butterfly shared as we commissioned another group of women completing their 3.5 year journey of transformation discipleship with LUV this month.
As the enemy increases his evil schemes to kill, steal and destroy God’s glory on earth, it thrills my heart at every commissioning to hear women testify how God has transformed, equipped and empowered them for His glory, and to send them out to build His kingdom among women.
My heart was full as we prayed over these 9 women, sending them in the power of the Holy Spirit to “multiply” in Florida, Moldova and Brazil, and where ever God leads! These are some testimonies they shared of what God has done in the last 3.5 years:
“This has been life changing! Looking back, I’m not really sure that I knew God at all. Nothing about my life is the same from 3.5 years ago. He has transformed my relationship with Him so that I could taste and see that He is good, that He is love, that He loves me and has a purpose for me. My mental and physical health have been totally transformed, my “career” is totally different, my vision and purpose for living has totally transformed, my relationship with my husband and kids has been transformed, the way I see other people has been transformed, my mind has been transformed and renewed (and continues to be), and my heart is enlarging every day with the things of His kingdom. Nothing of this world remotely interests me. All I want to do is know Him and make Him known.”
“There isn’t one thing that I could write that could come close to expressing the reality of the miracles that God has done in my life in the last 3.5 years.”
“God has transformed me from a head knowledge, religious church goer into a beautiful butterfly who now has as personal intimate relationship with my creator. Three years ago I was trying to be who everyone else thought I should be. Today I am who God made me, and want to become more like Jesus. I want to help women know they are not alone in their struggles and they too can find freedom through Christ and not live in fear and bondage.”
“It has been the most in-depth practical way of digging deeper so that I can fly higher, than any journey I’ve ever been on. This journey (of intimacy and freedom) will take you places you’ve never been before so that you want others to experience the same.”
“This has been deep immersion in God’s word, pouring our hearts out to Him. I am more aware of God’s love for me. I am confident in who I am.I was apprehensive going into the workshops. I have come out victorious, heart full and joyful!”
Please continue praying:
- For the 5 women commissioned from my home church, Avalon Church, who have joined other LUV leaders in Orlando to lead a total of 11 discipleship groups for 100 women, age 15-80 across East & Downtown Orlando. Pray the Holy Spirit will do a powerful work through these women, to bring more transformed lives in our city!
- For Moldova butterflies Angie & Aliona leading butterfly groups in women’s prison, in unreached areas of Moldova and in their capital city of Chisinau. Pray for the Butterfly Conference they plan to hold at end of May for 80 women. Lord willing, I will join them in Moldova for the conference.
- For Brazil butterfly Marli as she equips other women to lead more butterfly groups in Brazil to reach more women needing healing and freedom amid poverty and brokenness. Pray also for women in butterfly groups Marli has started in Albania and Costa Rica.
- Pray for Butterfly Tanya in S. Florida as she leads women to freedom in the JAIL where God is using her powerfully to transform very broken women. She has faced resistance and spiritual warfare since the jail leadership gave us a dedicated LUV unit for discipling women 24/7. Pray for wisdom, courage and discernment as Tanya continues to bring God glory through her leadership in the jail.
Praise God, as we “send” one group out, God has raised up another group of women…
- This evening, Thursday, we begin another 3.5 year journey with a new group of 14 women the Holy Spirit has raised up to transform, equip and empower to multiply.
- Please pray for women coming from California, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Orlando. All have a desire to “grow, to heal and to be better able to minister and multiply.” Pray God will answer that prayer!
- One lady wrote I am coming with one wing broken – I need Butterfly Hospital!”Pray healing and restoration for all the broken hearted!
- One women from a closed country in Asia, is coming to learn how to take LUV to the women in her country. Pray God will equip and empower her to reach them.
- Pray for my wonderful team of ministry assistants who support me in the ministry and in workshops. Each one has experienced traumatic events in their families this week! Pray for Angie, Sherry and Amanda.
Thank you for your prayers for all the above. Pray that I will fully recover from 2 weeks of Bronchitis and be able to lead and teach this weekend Friday – Monday in His power, without physical hindrance.
With thanksgiving, warmest love and appreciation!
Liz Dickson
Founder and Executive Director
Love UnVeiled, Inc.