Our Time in Brazil

“Bom Dia” from Brazil! Sherry and I arrived safely in Brazil on February 5th. In spite of a forecast of continual rain and thunder storms, (it’s their hot wet summer season) we have had no rain and “ not too hot” temperatures! An answer to prayer already!  It’s great to

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LUV New Year Update

They shall speak of the glory of Your Kingdom and talk of Your power. Psalm 145:11 Dear friend and partner, Happy New Year!! We already have so much to share about the glory of God’s kingdom and His mighty power this year! It’s exciting to share these reports of more

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Prayer Update – Turbulence & Faith

I recently arrived in Greece to meet with women leaders from Cyprus, France, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland returning for LUV Workshop Two in our 3 1/2 year journey equipping women to Transform & Multiplyin Europe.     On the trans-Atlantic crossing we went through 3 exhausting hours

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Praise from FRANCE/Prayer This Weekend!

It was a huge step of faith for Marie Carmen to start our Transform & Multiply discipleship groups in France this year, to equip and train women who would join her in discipleship multiplication. She has experienced intense spiritual and physical warfare before each workshop. But God has honored her

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Flying Higher – October 2019 Prayer Update.

LUV Let’s Get Real Event – A Place To Dwell – September 2019The wonderful thing about praying is that you leave a world of not being able to do something and enter God’s realm where everything is possible. He specializes in the impossible. Nothing is too great for His almighty

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Workshops and Hurricanes

Dear friend,  Last week I wrote, “We have not been this way before” – not knowing that we were about to experience a hurricane in the middle of two Workshops!  Contrary to initial forecasts that the storm would hit Orlando last Monday, we were able to complete our 4 day

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