2018 Ministry Report
This was the Lord’s Doing
It is marvelous in our eyes!
Psalm 118:23
Reaching the World by Reaching Women
Dear Friend and Partner,
Reflecting on all God has done this year, my heart is full of thanks for your prayerful support and generous giving to help us fulfill God’s call to equip and empower women to reach women.

This year we have seen the Butterfly Effect becoming a global movement as thousands of women are being transformed by God’s love, discipled in His word, empowered by His Spirit and set free to multiply His kingdom in their own countries and communities.
I could fill a volume of books with testimonies and reports around the world. Here are just a few highlights of how God is transforming women’s lives and how your partnership is helping us to equip and train them to multiply.
S.E ASIA (1): What began 8 years ago with a group of 16 women I discipled in this closed country, has multiplied to over 50,000 Butterflies in 8 un-reached people groups! These women are hungry for God and for God’s word. As example, 6 women from un-reached people groups recently began LUV 3 year training. All 6 are already now discipling other groups among their own people. For the first time, this year, government officials allowed LUV leaders to openly train 400 women in LUV level 6, some even attended the training. Our country leader wrote “Liz, a miraculous work of God is happening here and so much due to the Spirit’s movement among the Love UnVeiled butterflies. They are so hungry to know the Lord more deeply!!”
Lithuania: Two leaders began LUV 3-year training in Orlando this year to be equipped to reach women in Lithuania. In November they held an event in a castle for 100 women who gathered for the first time from different churches and 10 different cities
. The Lord moved their hearts to return to their first love.
Diana wrote “We did what Jesus wanted, to become as small as possible, to allow Him to come as King.” In 2019 ten women from ten cities will join Diana to begin LUV level 1, to reach and disciple women across Lithuania.
Brazil: Still undergoing her 3-year training in Orlando, LUV leader Marli continues to establish LUV discipleship groups which are multiplying as women

reach women in Brazil. This year she also led LUV workshops in
Albania, equipping Brazilian missionaries there to reach and disciple Albanian women.
Last month Marli began LUV training for women in Costa Rica. Their pastor and church are excited to have LUV tools and discipleship training for their church’s ministry to prostitutes, drug addicts and the homeless. One of these women has already started a new butterfly group for women in Costa Rica.
S.E. ASIA (2): Our Butterflies continue to multiply despite the increasing danger for believers. I was delighted to receive photos from one butterfly leader celebrating her group’s 6 years of freedom in Jesus. Our country leader also recently shared the incredible opportunity she had to speak to 250 women in her home town sharing the Butterfly story and freedom in Christ. Many women from different churches are waiting to join a LUV discipleship group in 2019.
S. Florida USA: God is moving powerfully through our
Jail ministries in Moldova and Florida. This month we
signed a contract with a S. Florida Jail for a dedicated Love UnVeiled unit. The Sheriff has been so impressed by the transformation of inmates attending LUV weekly classes led by LUV leader Tanya, he has provided a
dedicated LUV unit in the jail with 34 beds to accommodate inmates who participate in LUV discipleship training during their incarceration. I was privileged to share with some of these women at the graduation of Tanya’s 5th group completing LUV level 1. It was one of the sweetest moments this year to hear these women share how they have been transformed with a new identity, a new hope and a new relationship with God. The dedicated Love UnVeiled space will provide these women a spirit filled environment 24/7 where Tanya can provide daily transformation discipleship to prepare the women for re-entry to the world. Praise God for His supernatural favor in opening these unlikely doors!
Orlando USA: With the exception of India and S.E Asia, where I trained women in-country, all leaders now come come from other countries and around the USA to be trained at our
LUV Training Center in Orlando. This year I had the privilege of leading an average of two, 4-day workshops a month for national and international women being transformed, equipped and empowered to reach and disciple women in their own areas. These women are reaching women all over the world, around the US, and in our own community of Orlando. The LUV Training Center is also a venue for LUV weekly groups and events.
LUV Global Summary 2018
- We currently have Transform & Multiply Discipleship training in 23 countries or states.
- The LUV Butterfly Story has been shared for evangelism in an additional 17 countries.
- Women in 22 countries or states have requested and are waiting to receive training to reach women in their areas.
What a huge work God has done! He gave us the vision, but we could never have strategized this growth!
Looking ahead to 2019 we have many new and urgent opportunities to invest in God’s kingdom. We have new workshops planned for 6 countries in Europe and new workshops in Orlando training center, for women from different countries and states. In addition we need to provide translations, resources and materials for women where groups are already multiplying.
We have women ready and hungry to build the kingdom of God. My prayer is for financial partners willing to help us equip and empower them to transform lives and bring spiritual multiplication in their countries.
Would you prayerfully consider how the Lord may be leading you to help us bring more women to know and experience God’s love and freedom in Jesus, and help them make Him known to others.
Your financial partnership in 2019 will help LUV:
- Continue to equip and empower women to reach women globally.
- Translate and print LUV discipleship materials for women in their own languages.
- Assist with travel and training costs for women in economically poor countries.
- Provide necessary funding to increase LUV staff hours to assist me in administering the expanding and diverse day to day global operations of the ministry
You can give online through our secure giving platform at www.loveunveiled.org/donate.
Again, let me say a huge “THANK YOU” for your support to me, our butterflies and the Love UnVeiled team.
May the Lord greatly bless you, and your family this Christmas and in the coming year!
Yours in His redeeming love,
Liz Dickson
Founder & Executive Director