Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:23
I’m writing from the beautiful city of Thessaloniki, a cosmopolitan coastal metropolis situated in North East Greece. Thessaloniki is named after the sister of renowned Greek hero, Alexander the Great, but is better known to Christian believers as a city where Paul preached and wrote his earliest letters to the church.

It’s been a great personal blessing to return to Greece. God has restored the years the locusts had eaten when I lived here and given me a second chance to serve Him, and to enjoy this country and its people from His transformed perspective!
It’s exciting to be here with women leaders from Agape Europe who came for Workshop One, the first of our 7 workshops to be equipped to Transform & Multiply among women in Europe. One of our foundational verses for this workshop is what Paul wrote to the Thessalonians in 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

In 2019 we are still being transformed by the life-giving word the church received in Thessaloniki two thousand years ago. Paul’s prayer in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 is still being answered by the Holy Spirit, as we experienced His healing touch and transformation in our lives to sanctify us in spirit, soul and body during the workshop.
Geneva, one of our Orlando team, joined me in Thessaloniki and was a blessing helping provide restoration counseling and prayer for women who needed one to one time.
Emmanuel, Director of Agape Greece graciously invited LUV to host our workshops for Europe in Greece. The Agape Greece team welcomed us with all the warmth and abundance of Greek hospitality!
I joined Emmanuel, Antigoni and Nektaria for worship on Sunday at their Evangelical Fellowship. It was a great encouragement to consider the work of the Holy Spirit who has continued building the church of Jesus Christ in Thessaloniki in every generation since Paul’s day.

Thank you for your prayers for the Holy Spirit to continue transforming, equipping and empowering our European butterflies before we meet again November. We look to the Lord expectantly for the work He will do in them in the next three years to fulfill His plans to multiply and spread His fragrance in Europe.
Next Stop Moldova!
Today I fly to Moldova, the smallest and poorest country in Eastern Europe situated between Ukraine and Romania. Pray for the 3-day Butterfly Conference, (Fri – Sun) which I will be leading with Aliona and Angie, who travelled to Orlando for our 3-year training. Their vision is to bring freedom to women in Moldova and raise up more leaders to reach women here. Pray for the 70 Moldova women attending and leaders they have invited from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus, to catch the vision for Transform & Multiply to develop leaders who will reach more women in those countries!
Pray for Lithuania
Pray also for butterfly leader Diana today who leads her second workshop in Lithuania this weekend, Fri – Sun,
for the women she met with in February. Pray that all 14 women will
return and that God will continue a deep work in their lives
transforming them, healing them and equipping and empowering them to be
leaders who will reach more women in Lithuania.
God is moving among women in Europe. Thank you for your prayers!!
With warm love and a thankful heart.
Yours in His love
Liz Dickson
Founder and Executive Director
Love UnVeiled, Inc.