Dear friend,
In the last 2 months my family has experienced considerable trauma, pain and loss in business. It has been a very difficult time. Other friends and family are experiencing attack and intimidation for living out their faith in the work place. One of our Orlando butterflies lost her husband very suddenly and tragically. Women I speak to at home and around the world are experiencing stress and strain on many different levels as we battle against the spirit of this world who is trying to “wear out” the saints.
In the turmoil I have been drawn to David’s words of comfort in Psalm 73:16-17 “When I tried to understand this it was too painful for me…until I went into the sanctuary of God.” In the midst of turmoil God has surrounded us with His love and His peace in the sanctuary of His Presence.
I found one of those moments in the sanctuary of Avalon Church, my home church in Orlando where I am blessed to belong to a warm and supportive church family. On January 21 we had a beautiful time in the sanctuary with 100 women joining our women’s event, Let’s Get Real to experience God in “The Heart of the Matter.” You can taste what God was doing in the sanctuary in this 2 minute video link – httpss://
In February I experienced blessings in the sanctuary of our partner, Lighthouse Church in Longwood, Florida. Entering into the sweet time of silent worship in the sanctuary before the service, I felt the powerful presence of God healing pain in my heart and washing away my stress.

I was overwhelmed by the loving response and sense of anticipation in the Ardella Sunday school where 120 men and women gathered to meet us. During the Worship service I noticed a display of red and white balloons on the platform in the Worship sanctuary. In the middle were two huge balloons forming the number “10”. Tears followed as I realized the balloons were for Love UnVeiled, in honor of our 10 year anniversary. It was the pastor’s way to demonstrate their love for us. After the service the pastors prayed for us, honored and blessed us. My heart was full as once again God poured out His love in the sanctuary!
So in the midst of pain and trials and the turmoil of the world around us, I am thankful for the shelter and love of God I have experienced in the sanctuary. No, we don’t have to seek God in the sanctuary of a church building but I thank Him for the many blessings He has poured out through His people who meet to worship Him in buildings.
And I thank Him for our pastors and shepherds who faithfully and sacrificially pour into us, lead us, protect us and guide us with truth, love and encouragement in the sanctuaries they steward for the Shepherd of the sheep.
Prayer Needs:
I treasure your prayers for my family, and for the events and women the Lord has planned for us to minister to this month and next
- Women’s Retreat, CRU “Stint” Ministry, Sat March 4 – Liz
Workshop Level 1 Training, March 2-4, Ohio, led by Christy
Workshop Level 4 Training, March 10-12 in Orlando – Liz
Workshop Level 1 Training new group, April 7-10, Orlando – Liz
- Workshop Level 6 Training, April 22-24, Poland led by Jagoda.
- Workshop Level 1 Training, April, India led by Martha and Urmila.
- New Group starting March 3 in Moldova led by Angie.
- Visas for Martha and Urmila, India coming to Global Conference, October.
- Visa for Eva, Kenya coming to Global Conference, October.
- My mother suffering with Trigeminal Neuralgia meeting with Neurologist March 8.
- Ministry Partner Sandel going through cancer treatment.
- Butterfly Shelly – MRI scans March 4 for extreme head and stomach pain
Thank you dear friend! I love and appreciate you.
May the Lord bless you and send you help from His sanctuary just when you need it!