“I sense the supernatural and the power here. I look for the supernatural now because I feel that is what God has called us to.”
Our focus was Intimacy – Deeper intimacy leads to greater freedom which leads to greater service.
As we pursued greater intimacy with the Lord we realized we had things that need to be dealt with in our own hearts, things that prevent deep intimacy. Understanding how God wants to be known (Hosea 6:1-6. Jeremiah 9:23), how we want to be known, and perhaps more importantly – why we don’t want to be known – led to some deep soul searching.
Even after experiencing freedom the enemy pursues us just as he pursued the Israelites after they escaped from Egypt. With the Red Sea in front of them, they were terrified to see Pharaoh’s army chasing after them. The enemy pursues us with lies and fears, telling us we will never be free from our past. He causes offenses, betrayals, wounds and un-forgiveness to chase us so that we will never reach the true freedom and abundant life that Jesus promised. He is terrified we will finally understand the power and authority that God has given us.

As we chose to pursue deeper intimacy last weekend we cast our stones of un-forgiveness, ignorance, fear and bondage into the sea and crossed over to greater freedom by the blood of Jesus. That’s why our butterfly was able to share – “I have learned to look for the supernatural!”
“I’ve been dismantling walls and stones. I am naming them and getting healing. I am forgiving and asking for forgiveness. It’s exhausting but so freeing!”
“He is opening me up to such deeper intimacy with Him. That’s been my journey this weekend.”
“There has been a bad relation with a family member for years, a lot of jealousy, insecurity and rejection. She texted me during our lesson on forgiveness this weekend. I am learning to love her and respond to her as I am learning in this room.”
“I want to take off shallow purpose and unfruitful works and pursue His purpose.”
“I sense the supernatural and the power here. I look for the supernatural now because I feel that is what God has called us to.”
Prayer Needs:
- Pray for these precious women in their pursuit of God, that He will fill them with His Presence and empower them to bring other women to freedom.
- Pray for one of these leaders hosting a Prayer and Worship event for women at Lighthouse Church, a LUV partner in North Orlando where her husband is pastor. Two other butterfly leaders who attend the church, from our group will be there to support her. Pray the Holy Spirit will move through their boldness, to draw women in their church into a deeper experience of intimacy and freedom in Jesus.
Pray for Butterfly starting our first group in S. Florida, with 6 women who want to pursue freedom.
Liz Dickson
Founder & Executive Director
Love UnVeiled