What Makes Your Baby Leap?

“It happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:41).

One of my favorite verses in the Christmas story is this encounter between Mary and Elizabeth. When the elderly luvbutterflychristmaspartyinluvcenter_avalon1Elizabeth, a barren woman for most of her life, meets young Mary carrying Jesus in her womb, the baby son in her own womb leaps in response! I imagine that in the days before ultra sound, that was a huge confirmation of the answer to Elizabeth’s years of praying for a child. Her encounter with Jesus confirmed her own miracle was about to happen. The baby within her responded to the Spirit of God in Mary and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit!

Praise God – We are never too old for a miracle! We are never too old for our baby to leap!

What makes your baby leap?  What makes your heart leap? What hopes and dreams lie dormant in your heart this Christmas? What prayers go seemingly unanswered in your life year after year?

Being around believers who are filled with the Holy Spirit makes my heart avalonbutterfliesreachouttochildrenatavalonchurchharvestfestival2    leap.  I get so excited as our hearts leap together in understanding the language we speak and what’s left unspoken. We lift one another up. We challenge one another to be more of what He has created us to be. We stir one another to walk in radical faith and live beyond our emotional senses and physical sight. We share revelation of what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us from His word. We sense His Presence in our midst as we talk, pray and worship together. There is intimacy between us which brings safety and freedom and we encourage each other to keep walking the path of the unknown to follow Jesus and abide in Him only. We believe God together for great things, expecting Him to do the impossible. When I leave their presence, I know I have been with Jesus. I feel strengthened, encouraged and filled with hope. They make my baby leap!!

As I reflect on all God has done in our ministry of Love UnVeiled this year, my heart leaps.  Over and over again my heart has leapt for joy being in the presence of women who God is transforming into His image of beauty. From India to Asia, Europe to North and South America, I have witnessed and shared the reports of God planting and birthing His supernatural hopes, dreams and visions in women young and old as He transforms them from glory to glory by His Spirit.

These women are making other babies leap too!  As they learn to abide in Jesus peru-photos-beckys-butterfly-and-translator-crystal-with-little-peru-butterfliesand listen to the leading of his Spirit, they water each other’s dreams – not crushing them. They fill each other’s wings with faith – not controlling them. They lift each other up to be who God made them to be – not tearing them down with accusation and criticism. They become a shelter of compassion and healing for one another – not gossiping or judging. They are spreading the fragrance of Jesus bringing light, truth, peace, joy and freedom to those whose hearts are filled with darkness.

My heart leaps as I think of you dear friend. Thank you! Together God has allowed us to bring His light and His truth into the lives of so many women.  There are many precious moments we have experienced through your partnership, prayers and generous giving in 2016.

I pray the Lord will direct your heart to continue giving with the same generosity next year in 2017 so that we can continue to fulfill God’s call to reach as many women as we can. We need your help to continue to bring transformation to women, to equip and empower more Marys and Elizabeths to reach women.

ncgathering3Next year in October we will celebrate our 10 year anniversary with a special Global Butterfly Conference – “The Butterfly Effect” – bringing Butterfly leaders and ministry partners together from around the world, in Orlando, Florida. Lord willing I will share more details with you in the New Year.

Dear friend, as you pray about giving to the Lord next year – in addition to your regular giving to Love UnVeiled, would you also pray about helping with these special ministry opportunities:

  • Global conference including some sponsored international flights – estimated $25,000.
  • Translations, printing LUV materials, training/travel sponsorships – estimated $12,000.

You can give your gift on line at www.loveunveiled.org or click here. clicktogive

A final word of encouragement…Christmas can be a dark, stressful, painful and lonely time, even for those who know Jesus. Brokenness in families, financial pressures, stress, loss and hurts rise up to fill our hearts with darkness, killing our joy and our peace. Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy our spirit just as King Herod killed thousands of babies trying to destroy Jesus.  If you are experiencing darkness covering your heart like a blanket with the lies of the enemy this Christmas, I pray the Holy Spirit will shine His light and truth into your heart for God is light and in Him there is no darkness. I pray the light of Jesus will appear like the rising sun, the Dayspring from on high shining into your heart, leading you out of the darkness of sorrow and pain into the light of His presence.

ukbutterflieschristmas2For it is the light of faith that shows us the way of perfect freedom in spirit. Then you will find the thing your heart longs for – perfect peace and freedom in the presence of the Lord, who is the Lover of your soul. (You Set My Spirit Free, John of the Cross).  

I love you and value your partnership with me so very much.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas. May the Lord’s great light shine on you filling you with His Spirit and truth as He pours His abundant blessing on you and your family in 2017.

Liz Dickson
Founder and Executive Director

Love UnVeiled, Inc.
Categories: LUV News and Prayer