“Would God use the Ladies Retreat to extend His ministry far beyond our ladies? I believe He wants to! I’m praying He does!”
This was our Pastor’s response after he read the many testimonies of women who attended our Avalon Church Women’s Retreat in Orlando last weekend! God is moving!!
I sensed the Holy Spirit working powerfully after I wrote to you last week and asked for your prayer covering. That same day we met with our butterfly leaders to brief them and pray for the event. During our prayer time we sensed an air of expectancy among us that God was going to move powerfully at the retreat!

The Holy Spirit revived many hearts and awakened others! Chains were broken, seeds to freedom were planted, intimacy with Jesus was rekindled, trust in God was renewed, hope in His power was unleashed!
Baskets were passed round the room to collect those things each woman wanted to take off by confessing, writing them down and releasing them to God.
The baskets came back full!!! The confession and release of so many wounds was evidence that healing and renewal of many hearts was in process…..It was the bride acknowledging she is nothing without the bridegroom.
It was the bride rising up to dress in the garments He has given her…a bride who knows she is chosen and dresses worthy of the bridegroom she is waiting for!
I hope you will enjoy this short video link of how God answered your prayers; what the Holy Spirit did in the hearts of women willing to humble themselves, to confess their need and to yield to Him in total dependence….click for video.
Please continue to pray for each woman who is now joining a Butterfly group, to continue to grow in greater freedom and intimacy with Jesus, and to bring His love and fragrance to others.
You can also partner with us to help more women experience spiritual transformation and freedom in the USA and Worldwide by making an ONLINE donation. Simply click click here.
With love and gratitude for you dear friend, as we long for our Bridegroom together,
Yours in our Lord Jesus,
Liz Dickson
Founder & Executive Director
Love UnVeiled, Inc.