He Crowns the Year with His Goodness! – LUV End of Year Review

Dear friend and partner in His unveiling His love,

While enjoying time with my family in the UK this Christmas this verse in Psalm 65:11 has been ringing in my heart!

You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance 2013 was a full year – spiritually, emotionally and physically. We experienced mountain tops and spiritual highs, and valleys filled with deep sorrow.  Yet the Lord has crowned our year with His goodness and shown us His paths dripping with abundance.


A Man & Tribe Transformed; Women Boldly Standing for God

How lovely on the mountains are the feet of those who bring Good News, who say, ‘Our God reigns!’…” (Isaiah 52:7)

Sam (name changed) and his village were desperate to know Jesus. They heard about Him but did not receive any written Word of God for 15 years until our leader, Hope, took the LUV discipleship training to Sam who took it to his church last May. Sam made the 12-hour trip from the mountains last week to tell us of the transformation God has done in his church in the last 5 months. His testimony is the story of his tribe searching for Jesus, their persecution and their transformation through His word:


Story of Hope

Hope (name changed) is one of our leaders who completed the three year training this week. Hope is a pastor’s wife in the city, but she and her husband have been travelling to the mountains to reach the ethnic people groups for years.  Hope had a vision to reach the women in the unreached people groups. In the last three years of our training, she started with a group of 38 leaders in her home for 10 days every six months, coming from all over the mountains. Those leaders are now training many groups of 50 women and many groups have men too. This was her commissioning testimony.
