Nevertheless I have this against you that you have left your first love – Revelation 2:4

Dear friend,

Thank you for praying for our Workshop last weekend! The focus of our Workshop 4 was “Equipped and Empowered to Multiply the Kingdom of God among Women.”

From the beginning, we sensed the Holy Spirit’s call to return to our first love as we considered Jesus’ words to the Ephesus church in Revelation 2:2-4; I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.

Andrew Murray wrote; “we find this same lack of zeal in the church today. There is zeal for the truth, there is continuous and persevering labor, but what the Lord values most is still missing: the tender fervent love for Himself.

Our hearts were challenged to ask – are we as in love with Jesus as we are with the work we do for Him? It’s easy to leave Jesus behind as we move on with our good plans to serve Him. Yet the power to multiply does not come from our busyness and plans – it is birthed in the secret place of intimacy – in relationship in His Presence – for without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5.)

Jesus called the Ephesus church to repent and do the first works. So our time was spent in the secret place pursuing and practicing the “first works” – prayer, repentance, fellowship, worship, tears, pouring into His word, letting the Holy Spirit bring fresh revelation of Jesus, seeking His face, waiting on Him. It was a sweet time of intimacy, conviction, growing, renewal, equipping and empowering in His Spirit and truth.

Our Butterflies, who had been in the presence of Jesus left our workshop renewed in their first love, their wings stronger and open to His call to serve and multiply in Japan, France, Orlando and wherever the Holy Spirit leads. Pray the Holy Spirit will empower and multiply His kingdom through Masako, Marie Carmen, Anne, Lisa, Shelly, Tina and Theresa as they stay in intimacy with Him.

News from France:

  • Churches in France joined together to host a Youth Crusade for 1000 young people last month. On the last day 10,000 adults joined the crusade and heard the gospel!  Praise God – this was a first in France! God is on the move! Pray for revival and awakening in France!
  • Marie Carmen and Anne are hosting another women’s Butterfly conference, Avec Z’elle in Marie Carmen’s home town in France, next February. Pray for the conference!
  • Anne has almost completed the French translation of LUV Workbook One Transformation curriculum which Marie Carmen will share with the women. Please join us in praying for Anne to be able to complete the work and have the books printed on time.

Please Pray for Workshop 2 tomorrow; Friday through Monday;

August 11-14 group, from Orlando and South Florida  are returning for Workshop 2. Like our previous group, they have experienced great challenges in the 6 months since we met, in their families, their health and their ministries. They are on the front line of battle in ministry overseas, in jail ministry and in the business world. They need this time of healing and refreshing:

  • Please pray for a fresh out pouring of the Holy Spirit on Linda, Kathy, Tanya, Renee, Shelly, Theresa and Jennifer.
  • Pray for healing, transformation, and deliverance from strongholds which hinder full freedom to serve the Lord.
  • Please pray that each woman will grow in the knowledge and fullness of God and will be revived as we “draw joy from the wells of salvation” by spending this time in His presence, in His word and in worship and prayer.
  • Please pray for complete healing of my mouth after oral surgery and two bone grafts last Thursday. Pray my mouth will not hinder my ability to lead and teach this weekend. I am trusting that once more, in my weakness He is strong.
  • I had a first love heart check this week while reading 1 Peter 2:7; to those who believe He is precious.” Is Jesus precious to me? Is He precious to you?  Dear friend, Let us pray that Jesus will become more precious to all of us!

Thank you for your love, your support and your prayers!  May He be glorified in all that we do. May His power and His blessing be upon you and your family. May His precious blood cover and protect you from all the schemes of the enemy. May He keep us all daily in love with our first love.

Yours In His very precious love,

Categories: LUV News and Prayer