



Dear friend​ and partner, ​

I love you and ​so very much appreciate your faithful support in giving and​ praying for me​ and for Love UnVeiled ​through the summer months!!!

I confess this has been a difficult and challenging summer. I’ve struggled to find words to write to you during the turbulence of the last few months. When ​Paul describes ​his fears within and without that’s how I would describe this season.

I could tell you “​all is good​!”​ – and yes it is good, ​and God is working in amazing ways. He is a good good Father and ​has been so faithful in the trials. But Paul also wrote we don’t want you to be ignorant brethren of our trouble which came to us….that we were burdened beyond measure… but God in whom we trust, does and will still deliver us…you also helping in prayer for us.” 2 Corinthians 1:8-1
So my heart is to share a little of what’s been going on, to ask for your prayers for myself and for our leaders, and to give God glory and thanks for His keeping power in the storms. I am deeply aware of so many of you who are going through some very real and difficult storms and I join you in praying that God’s power will keep you and will see you through whatever you are facing!
​Florida summer storms must be among the most violent in the world!  They certainly feel that way if you fly in or out of Florida in the summer. I ​flew out of Miami through one of those epic summer storms on my return to the UK in early June. Climbing through the storm in the back of a “747” metal tube carrying 500 people, I felt as vulnerable as a cork on a raging ocean. I gripped the seat arms as the plane shuddered and dived crying “Jesus!” with each drop into an air pocket!  Reciting every “promise” I could think of out loud drew attention but my desperation for God’s help greatly outweighed what people thought of me! I truly wanted to be calm, asleep in the storm with Jesus – but instead I was right there with the disciples trying to wake Him up to calm the storm!

Nine hours later we landed safely in the UK. Thankful but weary, shaken and stirred, I realized what shook me most was that I could be so badly shaken!  My wings which may seem strong on terra firma – were weak when it came to this violent storm in the air. I felt very vulnerable and my faith tested and found wanting.

The flight felt like a picture of my life over the last few months, a series of storms bringing spiritual​ warfare, unexpected changes, uncertainty, physical pain, emotional pain, damage to my home, trials in my family, trials in ministry, loss, trauma, heartbreak and sadness. Compared to many who are suffering, these storms are small, but coming all together, they can be overwhelming. They have caused me to consider Peter’s words on storms and trials –
that the genuineness of our faith which is far more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus.” 1 Peter 1:6
​I was thankful for a sweet time with my family in the UK, traveling, visiting relatives and attending a family wedding. ​Yet my family have also ​gone through some heavy storms this year. They are a testimony to God’s sustaining power in a very difficult time. Mum, a strong prayer warrior has suffered physical pain in many parts of her body, and though her faith is unfailing, it is hard to watch. During my visit my brother and I were i​n a car accident. My ​brother’s car was totaled (a write off) leaving both of us with ongoing neck and back pain, and my brother without a car.  We were thankful  the Lord protected us from worse injury in this storm.
image3Across the UK there was a somber spirit as people have been shaken by the nationwide storms; the recent terrorist attacks in Manchester and London, the terrible fire killing 89 people, and turbulent elections which divided the country. The terror attacks struck close to home when my sister’s community lost an 8 year old girl in the Manchester attack. Hundreds of bouquets of flowers covered the town center in memory of the young girl and the many others who had lost their lives. My heart hurt for those in my country who are hurting and afraid – and lost.

​I returned to Orlando on another turbulent flight earlier this month feeling that my wings are somewhat shredded and bruised, vulnerable and in need of repair – flying feels a bit “wobbly.”  ​Yet through it all God continues to prove that His power is made perfect in weakness. He is training us to have “eagle power” in our butterfly wings – we need that for the days ahead!

In this our 10th year of ministry, I’m taking some time in these next two weeks for rest and healing, and to seek God’s Presence and direction. I am grateful for this time alone with Him – away from the storms, to hear His still small voice.
I covet your prayers for wisdom and renewed strength, for more of His power and His love to lead and equip our leaders and groups around the world. The battle is greater than ever. We desperately need the Holy Spirit because people need God’s love like never before! We will never be out of work sharing God’s love, His truth, His healing and His freedom in a world shaken by storms on every side.

Please also pray for oral surgery on August 3. It involves cutting into the bone and gums to remove infection. I’ve had several dental treatments this year and been in considerable pain with my mouth. Please pray the surgery will go well and allow me to carry on teaching our workshops in July, August and September.

Ministry News and Prayer Needs:

  • Praise from Columbia: ​Our beautiful ​butterfly Gloria from Orlando,​ recently rededicated her life to Jesus​.​ She​ ​join​ed our leader workshops​ for training in discipleship and has also been  attending two Butterfly groups every week since last September. What a transformation God has done! Last month she led a conference for 40 women in her native Columbia, S. America telling them about their value and freedom in Jesus! She writes “God showed up in amazing ways!! The Holy Spirit showed up in an amazing way!” Praise God, He uses women totally committed to Him!.
  • Urgent prayer need! Butterfly Jail Ministry: Please pray for Tanya in S. Florida daily. She has been experiencing storms and spiritual warfare as the enemy retaliates against the freedom she is bringing to women in jail. She writes:​ “Liz I really need prayer. A lot going on. One of my jail girls in this class tried to kill herself. One in the last class tried to kill herself. Half my class got in a fight and in a lock-down. A lot of serious prayer lately. Friday night I talked to a girl (from Class 1) who is out now and having demonic manifestations. I’ve been feeling physical pain and anxious since then. I met with her yesterday and prayed with her. Please pray for me and for the girls.” ​Tanya is standing strong but she needs prayer support.

Please pray that spiritual strongholds will be broken in the girls’ lives as they hear the truth from Tanya. Pray for deliverance for the girls who have been involved in occult and demonic practices. Pray for spiritual protection for Tanya, for spiritual wisdom and discernment. Pray for healing from her physical pain in her neck. Pray for renewed strength and boldness to bring God’s love and His word to these broken women. Pray the Holy Spirit will bring complete transformation and deliverance to every woman Tanya is ministering to.

  • Germany: Pray for our new group of Brazilian butterflies in Germany who Marli is discipling from Brazil by Skype. ​
  • Brazil: Pray for ​Marli’s Brazil butterflies leading a prayer campaign for schools in Brazil. Pray for doors to open to reach children in the schools.
  • Orlando: Pray for our new weekly group of 12 women led by Shelly and Lisa in our LUV Center in Avalon, Orlando. The women are already experiencing greater transformation and spiritual understanding as they learn about their freedom and identity in Christ. ​
  • S.E. Asia: Pray for believers as opposition increases. Pray for our ​coordinator who faithfully​ lead​s ​​our ministry, training leaders and discipling women helping them experience God’s transforming love in increasingly difficult circumstances. Pray for God​’s​ favor to approve her visa to attend our Global conference in Oct!

image2Dear friend and partner, as much as I don’t like flying, the storms have been a reminder that we can’t fight the enemy on the ground!  We have to take the fight into the air – for our real battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers of darkness and principalities in the heavenly places!! 

If you’ve been gracious enough to read to the end of this long update, I hope this impacting 1 minute video will bless you! –
“The Battle is not in the flesh and blood”
​Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your love, your support and your prayers!

The Lord bless you!

Yours humbly in His love


Categories: LUV News and Prayer