Our Purpose: Setting women free to be all God created them to be.
Our Vision: To urgently reach the world in our generation by reaching women.
Our Mission: T.E.E.M
Transformed by His Love, Equipped in His Word, Empowered by His Spirit, Set free to Multiply.

We equip and empower women to find their identity in Christ and experience transformation, healing and freedom to minister to others. We do this by providing strategic Biblical teaching, training and resources for spiritual growth and multiplication.
Our Commission – “Feed My Lambs, Feed My Sheep” John 21
“Teach them my Word; Show them the way to Walk; Show them the Work to do.” Exodus 18:20
When two thirds of the Christians are excluded from the work of evangelizing, the loss for God’s cause is so great it can hardly be described” Lauren Cunningham (YWAM). Women make up two thirds of the world wide church today. Yet in most countries, women believers receive little or no training to equip and release them in the work of Great Commission. We (Love UnVeiled) believe it is possible to greatly impact our generation by equipping and empowering women to reach their world. As women are transformed by His love, they find freedom to fly and are released to multiply.
All over the world, from East to West, there are women who feel down trodden, oppressed, forsaken, and hopeless. Bound by painful circumstances and shame, they have no idea of their true identity or the purpose for which God created them. God’s heart is broken for these women. He longs for them to know His love and experience healing and freedom. God has called LoveUnVeiled (LUV) to reveal His love, His desire to heal their heart, and His power to set them free to be the women He created them to be.
The transformation of the caterpillar to a butterfly is a powerful illustration which LUV uses to communicate to women how God’s love through Jesus Christ and the power of His Holy Spirit transforms lives completely bringing new hope and purpose.

Just as the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly is a long, painful process, so it is for us as we are set free from bondage and pain. However, Jesus promises that when He lives in us, we become “a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NKJV)
In the Bible, when the woman at the well met Jesus Christ, she experienced love and forgiveness and her life was changed from a woman of shame to a woman of value. She immediately went and shared her new found freedom with her whole community.
Our desire is that hurting women worldwide will experience this same transformation – each woman becoming a beautiful butterfly who learns to fly in freedom, to love with compassion, and to share her story of healing and joy with others.