LUV Prayer Update June/July 2024

Prayer Update June/July 2024 As the hot days of summer are upon us, pray for a time of respite and renewal for all of our LUV leaders involved with leading and discipling women from spiritual bondage to freedom. Praise: In the last month we have had a busy, intense and

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LUV Prayer Update January 2024

LUV Prayer Update January 2024 Dear friend, As we enter this new year, I am challenged and encouraged by the words of Moses in Deuteronomy 30:19b -20, “choose life … that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days;”

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The Good News! Multiplication is happening! Today we are experiencing the fruitfulness of transformed lives who are reaching the world! We are in awe of the work of God in the number of women experiencing transformation and freedom and stepping out to minister to

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October SE Asia / Japan Trip

Dear partner and friend,   All over the world, the SPIRIT IS MOVING! While the world shakes with current events, we are witnessing God building His everlasting, never shaken kingdom in the hearts of women. We are seeing deliverance, deep healing and freedom taking place all over the world!   October was a

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Coming & Going – LUV Mid-Year Update

Dear friend, In recent months the Lord has been speaking to me about the “come” and “go” of ministry. We often focus on the command to “go” – Go and make disciples, “go and bear fruit, “go into all the world,” but it can be easy to neglect Jesus’ invitation

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A Movement of God

A Movement of God Lithuania Ministry Trip Update Dear friend,  I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of prayer I received for this ministry trip to Lithuania!  The powerful and encouraging messages I received from you in response to my prayer letter was an indication that the Lord was already moving

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