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Dear friend,

I am excited that​ tomorrow, Orlando Butterfly Krista and her husband Frank, leave for Honduras on a LUV mission.

Krista is meeting with a group of Christian women in Honduras to share our LUV vision for reaching brokenhearted women in their country. The three day workshop will begin a journey of spiritual transformation and healing, taking them deeper into the heart of God, and giving them a vision to be equipped and empowered to bring God’s love, hope and transformation to so many broken desperate women in this country.

Krista’s vision: ​My desire for the women of Honduras is to see Jesus transform their mind to see who they are in Him. I long to see the women set free from the bondage of resentment and poor self concept. Being free will make it possible for women to love others through Christ. Through this transformation, I believe men will be transformed as well. This transformation can lead to women being able to contribute to their household economy which will raise the level of the economy of Honduras.

Discrimination against women contributes to Honduras’s failing and unstable economy. If women were allowed to enter the job market and had safe jobs to apply for, each household could make twice as much and could be twice as productive. Children would be able to be sent to school and each generation’s productivity will increase. However, women are held back. Many of them cannot enter the workforce because of fear of domestic violence. Many times, they also cannot find a job because they lack self-confidence. They do not know how to work efficiently because they have never been trained to work. Women are left behind – and it is hurting the :entire economy.” (Global Majority E-Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1 (June 2013), pp. 15-26

Love Unveiled can help women gain confidence as they learn who they are in Christ and learn that forgiveness and prayer will bring about change

Honduras Statistics: (Global Majority E-Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1 (June 2013)
  • At least 17% of people live on less than $1.25 a day
  • ​Women earn 45% of men’s wages
  • ​40.7% unemployment
  • ​40% of households are headed by women, 40% of which live in extreme poverty, compared to only 35% of male-headed households.
  • ​Patriarchal society – as a result women are not allowed to make decisions in their household, domestic violence is accepted, women must remain at home subject to their husband’s demands
  • ​Femicide (murder of women for reason of gender alone) has increased 30% from 2011 to 2012
  • High rate of human trafficking, Honduras is the epicenter of Human trafficking and this crime is less visible due to the prevalent belief that women are “less than” ; domestic violence against women is accepted

Please pray for Krista and the LUV Training in Honduras beginning May 23rd

  • ​Pray the Lord will ​open wide the doors to heal the broken hearted and set captive free! ​
  • Pray for ​Krista’s ​safe travel to and in Honduras.
  • Pray for anointing on Krista and her translators, Julissa and Peggy
  • Pray for Pedro, a kind Christian man with a vision to help the women of his country. He wants his wife and other women to have this training. Pedro leads men’s ministry in Honduras but believes in the need to help women reach the women. He has provided most of the logistical support and transportation for Krista to hold this training. 
  • Pray for provision of all funding to cover the cost of the training, accommodation, travel and materials for this workshop and future workshops.

If you would like to invest in helping reach the women of Honduras through this and future ​LUV ​trainings please visit our website and go to Donate, to make a contribution.

​Yours in His UnVeiled Love​


Categories: LUV News and Prayer